coffee starts to make me sleepy
would you believe?
it started last thursday, and last night when we went to bambi's usual pool place with greg and tj i had one cup of coffee because we just came from yumyum and i wanted to ease my indigestion and then i started to feel sleepy again. isn't that weird?
im starting to think that caffeine has no effect on me whatsoever anymore.
well, anyway you know julianne moore's fall in evolution? (--cannot find a vid anywhere sorry--) well ive always thought that was a very cool way to fall down, and her expression was so funny! so last night when we entered the pool place i didn't see the step down the pool tables and i was surprised to feel weightless for a moment and good thing i wasn't wearing my platform sneakers or whatever could've happened, i wouldn't blog here ever!
i just thought i had a julianne moment because it was so sudden and yet i didn't lose my poise hehe!
after that my heart was still beating fast for 20 minutes.
my one big great movie called life
last week was the busiest week of my life. i cant believe they gave me all the materials for promotion! imagine having to finish a big banner posters, flyers, stickers, agreements, buntings and all in one week! i thought i was gonna be stressed out each night but bowling saved me.
yep, bambi found a new way to do weights... you should see his friendster, he got 3 videos to prove he can strike out (and not just because of luck!)...
i cant believe it's only 13 - wait, let me check my dashboard - oh, yeah! 13 days before we go home!!! i remember starting my countdown at 95 days to go, and now it's less than 2 weeks! i cant wait to go to boracay!
i added 4 days to my initial application, i was suppose to have 21 days when i told my boss ill go home this april instead of november but when i filed my leave application i wrote 25 days but he signed it anyways and yey!
i have long prepared my itinerary since january... but i still have to add a bowling day with papa and i added one more day in bora. after watching trip na trip i realized 2 days isn't gonna be enough. too bad i only have 28 days of vacation earned so far..
my boss is the best, not only did he appreciate my business last week, he's gonna give me a bonus, too! i know - wow! but i swear last week i was almost freakin' out because i had too much job that 24 hour a day wasn't enough...
one weird thing happened today. charming sms'ed me and oh, i forgot to write here... i was ok with her. as i was discussing with ninang and bambi one late night after bowling that i put the past behind and told them its ok to invite her next time we play because ninang told me one time she asked her if she wanted to come and she did, but declined because she felt she cant face me yet.
so i told them it must be depressing to live without anyone in the house on the same age as you, cause when i was in dubai and all i had was papa's friends i was depressed too. so i told them they can invite her to let her breathe sometimes...
so i was surprised when she sms'ed me this morning... it was nothing, just telling me why she wasn't able to join us last week but the point is, i think im ok with it. i actually don't have any hard (or hurt?) feelings anymore.
i don't know why im like that sometimes. when it happened i swear i was gonna make her pay (can you imagine the expression on my face as i was saying that? lol) but now im almost open to the possibility that we can be friends.
anyway its not really my style to harbor ill feelings towards anyone for a long time (unless they really deserve it). it's like punishing yourself too, right? with all the heavy feeling when you're angry and all that.
so when i think about my november disaster i only think of the good things. like how i learned that you can hack a pc, or YMs, i even got myself interested in programs (asking our IT guys to teach me how to make one), plus my weightloss was jumpstarted by that incident... wehehe!
actually im writing this at 2 in the morning because i didn't have money in my mobile today to sms her back, so im gonna email her instead. plus bambi is in THE One because they're doing their annual stock taking tonight. so im alone. and scared. and trying to calm myself by turning on the tv and itunes out loud.
i planned to do it tomorrow when i wake up (at 12, no less... hey, it's friday!!!) but my sleeping pattern was messed up this afternoon when, instead of my usual afternoon nap bambi dragged me to the bowling alley where, after 3 sleepy games and 2 cups of strong coffee (imagine!) i still fell asleep in the tables until bambi finished his 5th game. so i managed to sleep until 10 when, when even prison break wasn't enough to keep me awake. then i woke up at 1. great.
anyways, doesn't it feel great when at the end of the movie everybody makes up, even the bida and the kontrabida? i always felt like my life is one big movie and i am (of course!) the star, bambi is the leading man, and everybody else are my co-stars... it makes my life different in a way that, if you look at it that way, you'll realize that maybe the reason why you can't understand why things has to happen is because you cannot see the whole picture - only the scenes where you're in.
but too bad i can't make the background music loud enough for everyone to hear :P
i aLways eNjoy ReadiNg tHis.. wav yu hoN!
the airport
im one of the few who love to observe people... with their own lives happening before your eyes, you can't help but wonder what they could be feeling right there and then, their crushes, their heartaches, their dreams..
that's why last friday when bambi and i drove to the airport i didn't hesitate when he asked me to get inside even though we are on our houseclothes (not the totally torn ones, ok.. i knew we were going on a drive trip but i didn't really dress up for the airport) and our dayslippers (whoa...)
i know, but for the first time in my life, i didn't care. and nobody did! there were so may people but they were so immersed in their own life to notice us. so after going up to the departure area, where we longingly gazed at those people boarding for their plane home, we went downstairs to the arrival, where we ate and observed the lives of people passing by...
there are so many changes happening in people's lives out there and if i ever learn how to drive, i think im going to take my lunch there everyday.
anyways, one of the funny things i saw was one trolley with a blanket wrapped in ropes where all of someone's clothes have been carried into. that was not the funny thing, though.. it was the picture stapled to the blanket. pity i didn't bring my mobile.
'wawa n'man
sabi ni men ang ganda ko daw dito (awts!)
wag telebabad..
yves codename 'kryver'
female + leo + brown eyes + black hair + lover + fighter + listener + whiner extraordinaire + clumsy + emotional + private + quiet + fickle + wanderer + big dreamer + loner + reader + writer + graphic designer + artist - charcoal, watercolor, pencil, illustrator & photoshop + scribble freak + anti-procrastinator + unpredictable + reliable
[[ mY LifE ]]
has a very baaad memory + a big scaredy-cat + creatively inclined, but terribly unmotivated at times + efficient whenever passionate + skeptical sometimes + want to learn how to drive + college dropout (hahaha!) + most of the time confused + angsty + believes in karma + thinks bambi is yummy + blaring headphones when working resulted to inability to hear people sometimes + laid back + forget faces, remember names + has mild oc tendencies + trying to escape reality at most times + still looking for inner peace + terribly afraid to see supernatural things
[[ mY mEss ]]
shopping + sleeping + drawing + hp + green tea + cold pizza + pasta + fries + jackie chan + fight club + hale + pucca + r&b, soul & acoustic - not a music-lover, but a sound-tripper + candles + photography + guitar + painting + charmed + itunes
[[ mY buSiNEss ]]
life goals... to kick ass and drive a 2-door m&m-yellow-colored lancer
[[ previous posts ]]
[[ ...& aLL soRts of cRap in BetwEEN ]]
[[ History ]]
phils vacation 07
officially mrs bambi!
drive trip
trip to manila 2005 aLbum
bambi & me aLbum
tree of life aLbum
enchanted 2001 aLbum
school & friends aLbum
family aLbum
[[ Homies ]]
[[ Kudos to ]]
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|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
blog design: |Blogskins|
mastermind: |Blogger|
template personalized by: |belleheart & her previous ibook |
see me also at:
photo-hosting: |Imageshack|
album hosting: |Zorpia |
message board: |cBox |
weekly cartoons: |StrangeBreed |
moods by: |Unkymoods|
counters: |FreeLogs Counters|