6 months and two weeks to go...
this month i hated the weather. it has been raining here for two weeks, and it's too cold that i have begun to hate going out. i just like to lie in our warm bed, which is basically what i've been doing for the whole month when i am home... i may not have any pregnancy issues (thank goodness) but i am sleeping a lot! all weekend, and all through my breaktime... thank goodness it's 3 hours!
my first trimester is almost over, just two weeks to go. im so glad i didn't have any morning sickness like vomiting and nausea, yey... although i was expecting to experience that, but im not complaining... they said you'll hate being pregnant if you went through that. so i guess im one of the lucky few...
but i am getting bigger... just barely three months and i gained 7 pounds and a few inched on my waist already. i cant fit into my pants anymore, and all my t-shirts look like hanging blouses now...
but i love my baby already that i don't care about it. im so excited to see lanz again in the ultrasound next next week when i have my check up. although i don't know if they'll use the ultrasound again but it's definitely one thing im looking forward to...and yes, he has a name. he had it since 2001. but instead of the original spelling we decided to make it shorter with Lanz Jared.
im not planning to go home to give birth, although my boss willingly suggested it to me. i want to be here with bambi, and never did i dream of going through my pregnancy alone. i really feel lucky coz i know a few friends who had to. and i know the big difference, coz now that i have him he takes care of me, and all of my household chores. just that is enough... plus he gives me all the food i want haha!
female + leo + brown eyes + black hair + lover + fighter + listener + whiner extraordinaire + clumsy + emotional + private + quiet + fickle + wanderer + big dreamer + loner + reader + writer + graphic designer + artist - charcoal, watercolor, pencil, illustrator & photoshop + scribble freak + anti-procrastinator + unpredictable + reliable
[[ mY LifE ]]
has a very baaad memory + a big scaredy-cat + creatively inclined, but terribly unmotivated at times + efficient whenever passionate + skeptical sometimes + want to learn how to drive + college dropout (hahaha!) + most of the time confused + angsty + believes in karma + thinks bambi is yummy + blaring headphones when working resulted to inability to hear people sometimes + laid back + forget faces, remember names + has mild oc tendencies + trying to escape reality at most times + still looking for inner peace + terribly afraid to see supernatural things
[[ mY mEss ]]
shopping + sleeping + drawing + hp + green tea + cold pizza + pasta + fries + jackie chan + fight club + hale + pucca + r&b, soul & acoustic - not a music-lover, but a sound-tripper + candles + photography + guitar + painting + charmed + itunes
[[ mY buSiNEss ]]
life goals... to kick ass and drive a 2-door m&m-yellow-colored lancer
[[ previous posts ]]
[[ ...& aLL soRts of cRap in BetwEEN ]]
[[ History ]]
phils vacation 07
officially mrs bambi!
drive trip
trip to manila 2005 aLbum
bambi & me aLbum
tree of life aLbum
enchanted 2001 aLbum
school & friends aLbum
family aLbum
[[ Homies ]]
[[ Kudos to ]]
original template design: | Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
blog design: |Blogskins|
mastermind: |Blogger|
template personalized by: |belleheart & her previous ibook |
see me also at:
photo-hosting: |Imageshack|
album hosting: |Zorpia |
message board: |cBox |
weekly cartoons: |StrangeBreed |
moods by: |Unkymoods|
counters: |FreeLogs Counters|