you goin' down, clown!
ok, i admit. my first reaction was to put a picture of HER here and make her look so bad to make me feel better (don't mess with a photoshop master!!!) ..
but im way over it. my mother taught me better than that...
besides, there are better things to do than to seek spiteful revenge... like concentrating on your work. i have proudly designed two of my most creative posters during this period, with matching towering sec and marketing workloads at the side... nababaliw na ko sa dami ng trabaho but im grateful because hindi nababakante ang isip ko kakaisip ng mga masasamang bagay hehehe!
so i just compiled some photos that i have long-ago planned to put here in my blog, but, as usual, the opportunity to post has been taken away from me by my ever-demanding workload... i am now in creative, secretarial, and marketing department. that's why i've lost 5 lbs in 3 weeks... okay, the depression helped, too...
plus i am honestly lazy in blogging... :P
don't you just love rainy days?
it's officially winter, people... it's raining in the desert!
bambi with greg in tj's house. his clanmates in pc74 (yahoo's pinoy tambayan). tj's fooftop flat is amazing! you can see the fountain in juffair, the bahrain world trade centre in manama, and the financial harbor! i've already planned the garden and the benches for that flat if it was mine!!!
a rare cloudy sunset. on our way to ate mariam's house last friday...
our watchman mr ghuloom admiring our wrapped gifts last thursday. he said he felt christmas in the air!!!
when i told bambi im not coming home for lunch because "magwra-wrap kami ni ate maricel", he said "san kayo magra-rap?!?"
these ribbons were made out of the blue - but they look so pretty im sure it'll get the people excited!
ate maricel wrapped that little water-cooler and made it look like a candy. but look what i did to my cute little cooler...
"dude, why does mine look like a SPACESHIP?!?"
these were taken after the storm... er, in common words, LQ.
ang gwapo talaga ng asawa ko .... GRABE NA TO!!!
with his written apology - which is so unusual because he rarely writes a letter!
bambi's rose with candlelight for a romantic effect.
i took the rose from the wrapper and placed in a water bottle (!), then wrapped it with the onion skin and the ribbons that came along with it and taraan! looks fantastic! you wouldn't believe that it's just a plain water bottle holding it inside!
i saw this yesterday, turned out he has written it days ago, i just didn't notice...
bambi's romantic vandalism. a graffiti from his heart!
i wish days like these would linger...
one of my idiosyncrasies
not much words to say today...
im ok. everything's fine and my lovelife's in a peace/truce kind of thing... what happened really hurt, but as weird as it may seem, i've forgiven them both. abnormal ata ako... but im recovering. although i have realized these past few days that the recovery phase is as hard as the first phase, at least i have ate mariam and ate maricel. as in kakamping-kakampi ko talaga sila. so even if it still hurts when i remember some stuff, they try to remind me that being happy is the ultimate revenge.
do you believe in that? coz im beginning to....
and i am honestly happy. because there may not be things i cannot do, or qualities that i don't have, but i am honest. i am loving. i am loyal. and no matter how attractive other girls may be, there is only one me. lose me, and you will feel like you have lost one big loyal puppy. and a cute one, btw.
dare to disagree?
fire in the hole!!!
it was broken... but it was not lost.
though i thought it would.
or, shall i rephrase that by "it almost was"...
they said it was natural for marriages to have situations like that. i disagreed all the time. how can you do that to someone if you really loved her with all your heart? or is the saying "we always hurt the ones we love" true?
the most painful thing was she was a friend. at least i thought she was to me. i liked her to be my friend. even before. but destiny proved otherwise.
i realized though, that come to think of it... i have proven that i can be strong. i even shocked myself on how calmly i accepted a situation like that.
and even shocked him by proving that i can let go.
but we have sorted it out. sort of.
kidding aside, for 5 years, this is the most horrible situation we have ever encountered, and we both hoped we'll come out of it stronger that we came in.
at least i've proven to him that i can be a fighter, and he has proven to me that he cannot live without me.
the storm was finally over, and even if there are still rainshowers, at least i have my sunshine beside me.
(feeling shancai and dao ming xi)
hidden message
anyone can be hurt by things happening in my one's life. some things are inevitable. but some are avoidable.
since i don't want to create more hostility by launching into war mode, i've found another use for my blog. since writing is a great therapy, why not make a blog an online diary? everybody can see it, but it doesn't mean that everybody can read it.
so i have done something to my post today and, you can have it... but only if you're smart enough to read it.
"sumulat ako hindi para pumapel. nfoz mtzblm srmwr mz pl kzkzkvo hz yzszb mz bzm. zblplmt rkzzozn zmt xlmgiryfgrlm pl zg srmwr pl mz irm orormzdrm pfmt hbz mtz yz zmt tfnztzhglh kziz hz znrmt nztpzpzkzgrw, l nzt-zznz kz. bahala na silang mag-isip pfmt zml nzm zmt tfhgl mrozmt rhrkrm.
sana nga lang rivhkvgl mznzm mroz zmt ntz pzkzgrw pl szyzmt zmwlm hroz. bfm ozmt mznzm vs, nzsrizk yz bfm?
bakit nakakaiyak? bakit nakakasakit? wzsro fmz kz ozmt srmwr mz mznzm zpl pzhzor wbzm vs. wzsro yz hbz zmt mzpzhfozg mz kzmtzozm hz mztkzwzoz srmwr mz zpl kdvwvmt pzhzor wlm? wznm. srmwr zpl mzt olzm mt $3700 kziz hz tzmrgl...
tfhgl pl yz zmt yzszb mz bzm? kzzml nzmtbzbzir bfm vs hrmzyr mz ozmt hzprm mz mzyror mz kzoz. ll. srmwr pzhr zpl pzhzor hz wvhrhblm. srmwr mznzm zpl kfnzkzkvo, kvil hzmz pzsrg xlmhrwvizgrlm mz ozmt mz gzmfmtrm zpl. kahit kunyari lang...
krmzorkzh pl mz bfm mfmt hrmzyr mbz mz hliib, srmwr prgz mzgzmlmt. wala naman na akong magagawa.
pzbz srmwr nl irm hroz nzhrhrhr pfmt rrhrkrm mroz mz hz pzmroz bzm. di ba sabi ko hindi na ako papapel? hz pzmbz ozmt mznzm zpl kfnzkzkvo. rozmt yvhvh mz zplmt mztivpoznl wzsro zmt wznrmt wvhrhblm zg kzt-ffhzk mz kzizmt, ll mtz, hroz mtz ozmt zmt rmeloevw.
zblpl hbzmt hrhrsrm wzsro srmwr mbz mznzm mzpzhzmzbzm mz nzthzyr mt pznr rmhgvzw mz zpl. hz znrm rmhgvzw mz hz zprm. l pfmt mztwvwvhrhblm hbz pzhznz hroz mt wr zpl grmzgzmlmt. hbvnkiv, hbz zmt kzwiv wv kznrobz.
hindi naman ako galit sa kanya eh. srmwr irm zpl tzorg hz pzmroz. mzhzpgzm ozmt zpl wzsro krmznfpsz mroz hz ntz pzkzgrw pl mz dzoz pznrmt pzizkzgzm hz yzszb. hzpzormt dzoz mtz, kailangan pa bang sabihin yon? pzrozmtzm kz yzmt rwrhkivhkvgl mroz zmt ntz tznrg mznrm?
naaawa lang ako pzb qlql wzsro pzsrg nzb hzylm kz hbz, kzt wfnzgrmt mz zmt ntz pzhznz mbz hz yzszb mztnznzwzor mz hbzmt kfnzhlp hz pdzigl. l nztkzhznz kz pzb vbzmt pzkzt nztozozyz.
nztfol mtz zmt kznrobz mznrm. kvil nv ivhkvgl mznzm pznr hz gzl. zg krmrkrorg mznrm nzprhznz. zmt srizk mtz pzhr hrnfoz fnkrhz, wzsro dzoz mznzm pznrmt nztfozmt mfmt ofnzozpr pznr, pzrozmtzm mz mznrmt nzprhznz hz ryz. kvil szmttzmt mtzblm, kzizmt yzhzmt hrhrd kz irm pznr mz dzozmt nzhrofmtzm.
pzbz hrtfil zbzd mroz hzprm kziz hz pzmbz. pzhr nztfol pznr.
kzgzdzw hz gzgzb pl, pfmt tzmbzm zmt grmtrm mt ntz gzl hzbl, zg dzoz zplmt nztzdz. kzgzdzw hz ntz pzkzgrw pl, pfmt srmwr pl pzbl nzgfofmtzm zh nfxs mz tfhgl pl. zg kzgzdzw hz nzszo pl, pfmt mztfol pl zmt kznrobz nl..."
"if you don't get it at first try, you will never get it at all..."
female + leo + brown eyes + black hair + lover + fighter + listener + whiner extraordinaire + clumsy + emotional + private + quiet + fickle + wanderer + big dreamer + loner + reader + writer + graphic designer + artist - charcoal, watercolor, pencil, illustrator & photoshop + scribble freak + anti-procrastinator + unpredictable + reliable
[[ mY LifE ]]
has a very baaad memory + a big scaredy-cat + creatively inclined, but terribly unmotivated at times + efficient whenever passionate + skeptical sometimes + want to learn how to drive + college dropout (hahaha!) + most of the time confused + angsty + believes in karma + thinks bambi is yummy + blaring headphones when working resulted to inability to hear people sometimes + laid back + forget faces, remember names + has mild oc tendencies + trying to escape reality at most times + still looking for inner peace + terribly afraid to see supernatural things
[[ mY mEss ]]
shopping + sleeping + drawing + hp + green tea + cold pizza + pasta + fries + jackie chan + fight club + hale + pucca + r&b, soul & acoustic - not a music-lover, but a sound-tripper + candles + photography + guitar + painting + charmed + itunes
[[ mY buSiNEss ]]
life goals... to kick ass and drive a 2-door m&m-yellow-colored lancer
[[ previous posts ]]
[[ ...& aLL soRts of cRap in BetwEEN ]]
[[ History ]]
phils vacation 07
officially mrs bambi!
drive trip
trip to manila 2005 aLbum
bambi & me aLbum
tree of life aLbum
enchanted 2001 aLbum
school & friends aLbum
family aLbum
[[ Homies ]]
[[ Kudos to ]]
original template design: | Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
blog design: |Blogskins|
mastermind: |Blogger|
template personalized by: |belleheart & her previous ibook |
see me also at:
photo-hosting: |Imageshack|
album hosting: |Zorpia |
message board: |cBox |
weekly cartoons: |StrangeBreed |
moods by: |Unkymoods|
counters: |FreeLogs Counters|