title-less posti was sick yesterday...i thought i was going to have a flu...
last thursday bahrain had hailstone for the first time since 1995, but i didn't see it. i thought it was the fireworks! turns out to be a thunderstorm after the hail... so that's why the tv was goin' on and off... i thought it was the bad reception from the old satellite dish we got at the rooftop, wehe!
it's not so bad... you're only the best i ever had'your guide to a better relationship'
or may be i'm just the one who has a problem.
yeah, maybe i am the one responsible for all those fights all along. after four years, here i am, clueless on what he wants, or what i want.
but then i realized, it hasn't been so bad... it is so common to lose the feeling of being starstruck after a while in a relationship, but when you fight, and in those moments when you're not sure if he still loves you, one touch makes you feel nervous again, one simple smile becomes mysterious, and one hug becomes electrifying.
i guess we should experience this silly glitch after all... or else we'll all be bored with on another because of the monotony of our lives.
...that makes me feel better...
Old too soon... smart too late."
here's the photo we had last ashoora holiday (more holidays for bahrain, what more can you ask for?). we have more but i forgot to remind bambi to get them from mommy carol's and agie's camera so here's what i can provide right now...
that's mommy carol, nadra, kuya dom, abdulla, agie and me...
the three-day holiday was the most well-spent holiday i had since i set my foot here in 2003... first we went to jan's villa in adliya to help her transfer the stuff from her old flat the whole day, i was so tired... but we got a free a/c wehehe! ..then we had dinner at agie's apartment and slept there... when we woke up the next morning there was nothing to do, all the shops are closed, even the food chains are not available, we were so hungry because agie didnt have food stocked in her fridge, so bambi rented a car and we went to lolita's which gave me the name of the cake i have been hunting for (for ages) - braso de mercedes - i love that spongy cake! then we drove to mariam's house and the guys ate and more yakking by the girls... by 4 we were on our way to the tree of life (for the umpteenth time) for agie's sake - (she's new in bahrain) - she was disappointed because the tree of life is almost dying (dom's exact words), and mommy carol saved the day by inviting us to an outdoor bbq, by the pool in juffair, where we ate (and yakked once more) til we went home - oh no - we went to geant hypermarket first to buy food - for agie's fridge - til we reached the warm comfy bed in our room at 11... what a tiring holiday.
jan will finally unveil her new home to us this friday ( i think ) from the awful mess that it was the last time we left it to the warm home she has done, we'll have a bbq party to celebrate. ill try to get as much photo as possible.
--------i saw wahida on friendster last thursday! i can't believe that childish site would be helpful one day... i rarely go there because the fact that it was introduced to me by my younger brother gave me the misconception that it was just for highschool peeps who want to introduce each other to their friends and see who has the highest number of homies and best testimonials...
we had a 2-hour chat in ym...
aren't you glad those people came up with friendster to be a big help for us connecting to our old bestfriends? wadz and i yakked for 3 hours til we got hungry... i was so out of the circulation that i was happy to be updated on what's goin' on there... but im not homesick... i wonder why !?!
if you'll go to my school and friends album you'll see no difference in wahida, just that she's more sophisticated (of course) and im so glad (and not surprised) that she's the asst. store manager already! i am so looking forward to our next chat this week...
welcome to the year of the dog!it's been bambi and mine's year all right! first let me share my utmost joy this year:
i have been promoted!!!
yup yup yup! im now the supervisor of creative department -sLasH- executive secretary wahahaAA!!!
(of course it's the raise that makes me laugh!)
...and please don't bug me about my punk clothes man... you can take the artist out of the creative deparment but you can't take the creative deparment out of the artist... savvy?
that was last month, guess what happened this month!
my boss enrolled me in an engineering institute, and the big thing about that is not that - the reason he and his wife wants me to learn cad and 3d is because ---- tan tararaaaan -----
they're bringing me to dubai with them next year when they start their new business!!! and madamme personally picked me to be her secretary and of course handle the creative stuff also... isn't that the coolest??? the good news is that im not the only one in the picture - bambi is also included!
(sigh!) i am so blessed!!!
ok, i know it doesn't justify me not blogging for 2 months, but since i sat in this exec-sec chair i hardly had time to blog, what more, eat. i lost 4 pounds in 3 weeks because of my workload (ehehe!) and bambi is so busy as well, he's in sales but he's also part-DC so we're both so busy but we've been going out a lot this month, i'll post pictures tomorrow about our road trip with agie and dom last Ashoora Holiday...
female + leo + brown eyes + black hair + lover + fighter + listener + whiner extraordinaire + clumsy + emotional + private + quiet + fickle + wanderer + big dreamer + loner + reader + writer + graphic designer + artist - charcoal, watercolor, pencil, illustrator & photoshop + scribble freak + anti-procrastinator + unpredictable + reliable
[[ mY LifE ]]
has a very baaad memory + a big scaredy-cat + creatively inclined, but terribly unmotivated at times + efficient whenever passionate + skeptical sometimes + want to learn how to drive + college dropout (hahaha!) + most of the time confused + angsty + believes in karma + thinks bambi is yummy + blaring headphones when working resulted to inability to hear people sometimes + laid back + forget faces, remember names + has mild oc tendencies + trying to escape reality at most times + still looking for inner peace + terribly afraid to see supernatural things
[[ mY mEss ]]
shopping + sleeping + drawing + hp + green tea + cold pizza + pasta + fries + jackie chan + fight club + hale + pucca + r&b, soul & acoustic - not a music-lover, but a sound-tripper + candles + photography + guitar + painting + charmed + itunes
[[ mY buSiNEss ]]
life goals... to kick ass and drive a 2-door m&m-yellow-colored lancer
[[ previous posts ]]
[[ ...& aLL soRts of cRap in BetwEEN ]]
[[ History ]]
phils vacation 07
officially mrs bambi!
drive trip
trip to manila 2005 aLbum
bambi & me aLbum
tree of life aLbum
enchanted 2001 aLbum
school & friends aLbum
family aLbum
[[ Homies ]]
[[ Kudos to ]]
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|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
blog design: |Blogskins|
mastermind: |Blogger|
template personalized by: |belleheart & her previous ibook |
see me also at:
photo-hosting: |Imageshack|
album hosting: |Zorpia |
message board: |cBox |
weekly cartoons: |StrangeBreed |
moods by: |Unkymoods|
counters: |FreeLogs Counters|