the day my ibook crashed
it has been a shock to me when my hard drive failed.
so i totally cleaned up my ibook last weekend. and even literally today.
and, as a blessing in disguise, organized my pathetically messed up files.
ok, maybe others may still have that misconception that macs don't fail. they do.
yes, they do. maybe not from viruses, but for the past two mac i handled it has been solely because of the hard drive.
so i made a mental note to back up my files every month.
and since saturday i began to appreciate my new phone. i was blaming it for ruining my creative files but since everything's ok now i started to check what's to love with this one.
survival of the richest ended last night, i was so relieved that johanna didn't win, mainly because she didn't want to share her loot with the rest, but it made me feel sad knowing that she doesn't have anything for her daughter.
don't they have a consolation prize or somethin'?
i have edited my friendster profile this morning. yay! what a waste. i think i'll get back to the same old lay-out i had since i can't tweak their CSS the way i wanted to.
i've found bambi there. and other peeps, too. cool.
*drool* sleep is a word i have begun to anticipate again. after the last two weeks of crazy schedule and rushed projects i have started to sleep normally...
and when i say normal it's like 6 hours at night and a 1-hour siesta in the afternoon. bahrain is like a paradise for lazy bums like me. still, dubai is more inviting.
female + leo + brown eyes + black hair + lover + fighter + listener + whiner extraordinaire + clumsy + emotional + private + quiet + fickle + wanderer + big dreamer + loner + reader + writer + graphic designer + artist - charcoal, watercolor, pencil, illustrator & photoshop + scribble freak + anti-procrastinator + unpredictable + reliable
[[ mY LifE ]]
has a very baaad memory + a big scaredy-cat + creatively inclined, but terribly unmotivated at times + efficient whenever passionate + skeptical sometimes + want to learn how to drive + college dropout (hahaha!) + most of the time confused + angsty + believes in karma + thinks bambi is yummy + blaring headphones when working resulted to inability to hear people sometimes + laid back + forget faces, remember names + has mild oc tendencies + trying to escape reality at most times + still looking for inner peace + terribly afraid to see supernatural things
[[ mY mEss ]]
shopping + sleeping + drawing + hp + green tea + cold pizza + pasta + fries + jackie chan + fight club + hale + pucca + r&b, soul & acoustic - not a music-lover, but a sound-tripper + candles + photography + guitar + painting + charmed + itunes
[[ mY buSiNEss ]]
life goals... to kick ass and drive a 2-door m&m-yellow-colored lancer
[[ previous posts ]]
[[ ...& aLL soRts of cRap in BetwEEN ]]
[[ History ]]
phils vacation 07
officially mrs bambi!
drive trip
trip to manila 2005 aLbum
bambi & me aLbum
tree of life aLbum
enchanted 2001 aLbum
school & friends aLbum
family aLbum
[[ Homies ]]
[[ Kudos to ]]
original template design: | Ev0nE's World Of Emptyness|
|Ev0nE's Fairyland|
|Ev0nE's Tutorials|
blog design: |Blogskins|
mastermind: |Blogger|
template personalized by: |belleheart & her previous ibook |
see me also at:
photo-hosting: |Imageshack|
album hosting: |Zorpia |
message board: |cBox |
weekly cartoons: |StrangeBreed |
moods by: |Unkymoods|
counters: |FreeLogs Counters|